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Soil remediation industry profit space has how old?
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2014-6-27 15:51:59
Open the Baidu search engine, the input "soil remediation industry", "billion" cake "trillion market" and other words immediately into the line of sight. It is understood, "Twelfth Five Year Plan" period, the central financial funds for the remediation of contaminated soil is about 30000000000 yuan. According to industry analysis, this 30000000000 yuan mainly play an exemplary role, the final result is to attract local government and all sectors of society capital, the final soil repair market is expected to reach 100 billion and trillion yuan.

In the eyes of many people in the industry, soil remediation industry is big cake, but the short term from the "block" enterprise co..

"Soil remediation industry large-scale investment nodes should be fast, but also not to, enterprises should be cautious investment. In soil remediation companies, should understand their place in soil remediation industry location and layout". Guangdong Province ecological environment and Soil Research Institute deputy director Chen Nengchang points out, although the soil pollution and its treatment is a high degree of attention, the State Council executive meeting discussed technically related problems. But many policies and regulations related to still do not have final stage, the most fundamental is the soil pollution prevention and control law was not announced, in addition, the detailed rules for the implementation of governance standards, industry standards, individual unit qualification and other supporting not perfect, a lot of investment return can not be guaranteed.

The consultant in environmental protection industry researcher Hou Yuxuan pointed out, by the policy driven, soil remediation in many enterprises has become hot under the environmental protection industry "Darling", however, signs of enterprises to enter the field of how to blindly follow the trend of. Enterprises treat soil restoration concept should be rational, only a clear understanding of the characteristics of the industry, to map out a strategy.

The industry since the beginning of the gold rush

Although many industry experts are of the view that domestic soil remediation industry lack of capital and technology, but in the field of enterprise has a rapid growth trend.

It is understood, two years ago is still an emerging industry soil remediation industry, currently involved enterprises have more than 100, even in the industry estimates, there are about more than 160. "Although large enterprises for the market has emerged in the industry, but more or some small and medium-sized enterprises, can be said to be the dragons and fishes jumbled together", China soil remediation industry alliance Secretary General Gao Shengda previously said in an interview with the media, although known to enter the soil remediation industry enterprises, but the current domestic real took the project enterprise has twenty or thirty home the twenty or thirty, really have the ability and the willingness to do soil remediation companies, it should be said that there is less than 10.

The Institute of Geographical Sciences and natural resources research institute deputy director Liao Xiaoyong has accepted the media pointed out, "a project, after the repair company, a relationship was established a company to undertake the project, lack of equipment and lack of technology" phenomenon has existed in the industry.

"The phenomenon also reflects the soil remediation industry development lags behind, the large investment, and the return rate high characteristic", Hou Yuxuan analysis, at present, in soil remediation of industrial organization has 3 types of service enterprises, professional research institutions and government departments of environmental protection, because the technology abroad and cost factors, the degree of marketization is quite low. However, by the orders of the company, each project return on investment is considerable, which is the main reason of the tissue was also ready to make trouble in no case of enterprise architecture.

Hou Yuxuan further pointed out that, in the soil remediation industry industry chain, the domestic enterprises in the survey, evaluation, inspection, repair of each link in the market share of no obvious advantage, the company layout will get more return repair link.

"Judging from the current situation, to receive project enterprises dominated by state-owned enterprises and large private enterprises, there are a number of small and medium enterprises through their own 'connections' access to the project", a Nanjing declined to be named, the responsible person of the enterprise to disclose, at present the soil remediation industry, has the highest rate of return is the soil repair parts. At present this link due to the lack of a specific standard, so it's easier to enter. "What is the repair standards, what is not up to the standard? This question is not to say, many enterprises will take advantage of this opportunity to make money. Once the standard down, many companies will therefore not receive project, said from this angle, soil remediation industry unpopular with the maturity of the industry decline, only the technology and capital with leading enterprises to gain a firm foothold".

invisible monopoly

So, soil remediation industry profit space has how old? According to the world bank's "repair site contamination China and in the development of present situation analysis" report, 2007 in Chongqing City, there are 15 venues in the soil pollution evaluation, at a cost of 200000000 yuan, to 2009, for evaluation of the pollution in Chongqing City, the land of 45 dollars, at a cost of 800000000 yuan, this is only a preliminary assessment of soil remediation cost. The report estimates, cleaning and repairing contaminated sites in Chongqing city at present will need $2000000000.

Industry estimates, currently a soil remediation projects in China at least tens of millions, projects the average size of about 100000000 yuan. Media reports said, Beijing a repair project is the biggest cost 700000000 multivariate, called the soil remediation community "imperial estate". However, the cost of the industry has always been a mystery.

"The cost is not to say, if the same as abroad all the more advanced technology to repair, the cost is really high, estimated that the domestic enterprises to do without. On the one hand is the technology really can not do, on the other hand, is not so much money". The unnamed sources said, "currently used in 'replacement' approach is simply profiteering, no independent third party supervision, as long as the local government agreed to take the project enterprises, so enterprises need to 'dig' can make money, as to dig up the soil to processing, repair to what kind of standards, which are not. Estimation of 'repair' a piece of land, profits in more than 40%".

"From the actual work to divide the soil remediation of contaminated site remediation and can be divided into two types of farmland pollution remediation. Site remediation commercial operation there have been a number of cases, some projects such as Beijing construction made. Soil contamination types including farmland, although I, the restoration demonstration base of many scientific research institutions, but are based on the investigation and development of technology, are not yet in the restoration stage. As a provincial website reported launched the first treatment projects what, are all small talk ", Chen can field said, there have been few domestic enterprises have entered the state of technology management.

"At present, soil remediation funds mainly come from the government, in addition to enterprises such as polluting enterprises or land developers, including the industry agriculture developers and real estate developers. Government funding is waste, pollution liability is soil, the government need to attract foreign investment used for the two time, into what is unlikely". Hou Yuxuan points out, at present, the government plays a dominant role in soil remediation industry chain, from all aspects of business constraint project progress. In order to realize the value of soil remediation, determine which soil need to repair the final determined by government, fiscal funds still occupy a larger proportion of repair in corporate profits.

model on

It is the fundamental reason caused the invisible monopoly current soil remediation business model. At present, the remediation of contaminated sites by the general land reserve management, after the Ministry of environmental protection confirmed pollution plots, by the repair organizations Land Reserve survey after the auction. Common business model has two kinds: one kind is the bidding mode, generally divided into investigation and risk assessment of engineering site, repair 2 standard, large and complex contaminated site remediation add a pilot technology and programming stage after stage of site investigation and risk assessment; the other one is "repair +" mode joint enterprise developers, repair repair and overall contracting of contaminated sites. However, there are both have their own disadvantages.

The former, the bill is the developers, its shortcomings is that there is no constraint developers will soil remediation funds diverted? The government in the transfer of land Is it right? Ken "allowing more profits to the developers? Plus developers eager to pursue profit, can long time waiting for the soil restoration completed; the latter, land reserve center acquisitions land from the relocation of enterprises, the investigation and remediation of contaminated sites, to accomplish the treatment before entering the land market, soil remediation bill into the local government, the government would have enough money to take?

Credit repair with a model now in the study is similar to the BT/BOT "". Beijing high energy era marketing director Liu Liqi expresses to media, energetic era in Zhuzhou Qingshuitang governance project, and the local government is through the establishment of the joint venture company mode, "repair funds pay in the form of 51% money, 49% is the use of land pricing," said Liu Liqi, the project repair site will be planned as a traffic industry park, "good governance of land, we are the industrial park developers. As a developer, you can recover part of the money in business". "It takes about 10-15 years," Liu Liqi said, have the confidence to this a few years later return to profitability. Risk industry are closely observed this pattern. "Large listed companies such as strong ecological use EPC mode in the repair process, not benefit, its successful mode is worth to draw lessons from," Hou Yuxuan said.

"A big bottleneck of the development of the industry is still the repair funds soil at present, Chinese didn't like America Superfund and brownfield Remediation Fund specifically for the remediation plan. 'Twelfth Five Year Plan' period, the state of heavy metal pollution control investment will reach 59500000000 yuan, and for the prevention of soil pollution of all funds will reach hundreds of billions of yuan, rely on state investment is clearly not enough, so, the country will certainly to explore various modes of financing, from this point of view, with the strength of private enterprises still have opportunity".
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