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Water discharge of pollutants or impact on water environment ring a comminuted grille
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2013-11-18 10:39:58

Water discharge of pollutants or impact on water environment ring a comminuted grille

Water pollution is more and more serious, and learning to explore: water quality monitoring, flood early warning and management of water resources, some solutions, such as sewage treatment, water, the development of the Internet of things can be very accurate and timely solve the problem. Reform of 35 years leave air pollution, water pollution, a mess. In the future should strengthen the reform of governance of polluting enterprises, if continue to pollution in 20 years that is finished. Can also ensure adequate drinking water?
Water pollution is caused by water pollution of the environment placing signage at the pollutants. Usually pointing in the direction of water discharge of pollutants or harmful impact on the water environment of the sites, equipment and Settings. According to the sources of pollutants can be divided into two types: natural pollution and artificial pollution sources. Hot tap water heating season home immediately stop using, easily happened during the winter heating heating water tap water pollution incident, if found that tap water in the home if suddenly became hot, salty, discoloration, should immediately stop using and call water company reflects the problem.
Non-point source water pollution, also known as nonpoint source water pollution, in the form of area distribution and placing signage at the discharge of pollutants and cause water pollution. Slope runoff pollutants and farmland irrigation water is an important source of water pollution. Air and water pollution comprehensive treatment work propulsion conference, xining "strong medicine", the "actions", comprehensively launched a comprehensive atmospheric and water pollution to be completed and protracted war, makes management of pollution sources, solve the problem of air pollution, to speed up project construction, and solve the problem of water pollution. Now create the eutrophication of water bodies such as lakes, is mainly caused by non-point source of nitrogen, phosphorus, etc. It is understood that the world every day there are at least 50000 people died from water pollution caused by various diseases. "Water quality determines the quality of life", the advertisement reflects the emphasis on the quality of drinking water is people is increasing day by day.
Water pollution prevention and control expert teams for new majia river (WuHuaOu section) river comprehensive improvement situation investigation was carried out. New WuHuaOu majia river water environment comprehensive improvement in recent years, the present problem during the renovation engineering schedule, training has carried on the report. Following the water pollution control engineering after two failed experiment, finally, environmental monitoring experiment for the first time the experiment failed, how so2 on Wednesday is likely to be overweight, I calculate into a slight pollution is the most hateful [don't] experiment data for signature by the teacher. I really can't write experiments to discuss the next step WuHuaOu comprehensive results will continue to consolidate river regulation, advancing a new goals and tasks majia river water environment comprehensive improvement. Serious water pollution, worrying soil pollution... Continue to the pursuit of GDP? Or environmental priority? "Green and black" choice, about hundreds of millions of people and the well-being of future generations. The eighteen big report to ecological civilization construction in socialist modernization construction general layout, proposed to save and protect the preference, and the principle of natural recovery, sounded the assembly of beautiful China,
To save water is equal to make less water pollution, is equal to the benefit of human ~ ~ (1) water washing a face after use can be washed their feet, and then flush the toilet. (2) prepare a VAT collected wastewater should be in the home, it can ensure that need water to flush the toilet. (3) the water that clean out rice water, boiled noodles, used to wash bowl chopsticks, to oil and water. (4) the fish water water the flowers, it can promote the growth of flowers and trees.

Positive declaration of songhua river basin water pollution prevention and control of the 12th five-year plan of livestock and poultry breeding pollution control projects, Harbin city environmental protection bureau actively organize DaoWaiOu juyuan town ChengZiCun scale farming village pollution control engineering, XiangFangOu worship as animal husbandry co., LTD., the livestock and poultry breeding pollution control project, a city more blessed paradise swine breeding swine waste limited liability company
Comprehensive treatment project declaration for pollution prevention and control, and has set up a construction. Once popular project ten thousand jins of dead fish lake water pollution caused by suspected - shenzhen, the new city hai street light siminghu tens of thousands of dead fish, take place in a city park lake reek, suspected around within the industrial wastewater and sewage discharged into the lake. People familiar with the large number of dead fish actually started to appear on 20th last month, is mainly caused by pollution, in recent days every day in the salvage treatment.
Water because of the involvement of a substance, and lead to its chemical, physical, biological or radioactive etc characteristics of change, thus affecting the effective use of water, endanger human body health or damage the ecological environment, causing water quality deterioration of the phenomenon. Pollutant mainly include:
1. Without treatment and discharge of industrial waste water,
2. The extensive use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides of farmland wastewater
3. The stacking of industrial waste and life rubbish in the river
4. Without treatment and discharge of sewage
5. Deforestation, soil erosion
6. Because of excessive exploitation, production of the mine wastewater
At present water pollution has seriously affected the healthy and sustainable development of national economy, also bring great threat to the health of people drinking water, even if the beginning from today, no new pollution has both water and to 50 to 100 years to complete the self-purification process. The report compiled by the environment in yunnan province academy of sciences, the planning and project implementation, completion, planning goals and evaluation indexes task implementation, supervision and management of the implementation and safeguard measures on 5 aspects such as work has carried on the systematic comprehensive evaluation. What is COD: COD, is a kind of commonly used water body pollution degree of the comprehensive evaluation index. It is English "Chemical Oxygen Demand", Chinese name is called "Chemical Oxygen Demand (cod). It refers to using chemical method measuring the amount of water samples need to be in the oxidation of reducing substances, reflects the degree of water pollution by reducing substances, the higher the COD concentration, the more serious pollution.
The future of the dangers of water pollution and water purifiers outlook, grim situation of water environment water purifier for big challenge, drinking water of heavy metal exceeds bid, generally after 10 years of accumulation, will enter the peak period of the disease. Since the 1970 s, China has been cancer deaths showed a trend of sustained growth. Water, oxygen, minerals, water pollution is the best, don't make so much title! Binhai new area a circulating water in breeding technology is the new city aquaculture enterprises popularity. New area of more than 60 aquaculture enterprises more than 20 of the technology has been adopted. The circulating water aquaculture technology than conventional breeding can water saving 90% a day, one times, breeding density also can realize zero discharge pollution basically.
For serious pollution of water resources, we need to understand not only, where is polluted, we need to think about is how can be more pollution, how to solve the pollution. Buy water purifier is the same, we need to understand the principle of water purifiers and purification process, what what kind of machine can meet the water. Loneliness, sometimes is more like a glass of water, without impurities, pollution, is a kind of quiet quiet and tastefully laid out and beauty. When immersed in the lonely, no noisy clutter
Can't disturb my thoughts, also won't regret because of impulse and regret; Immersed in the lonely, let me calm, let me think, let me sedate, let me have a feeling that transcend secular, let me listen to your words, let me feel the beauty of the subtle. Pollution and cancer incidence to the attention of the countries along the huaihe river basin along the river factory by management, at present, the water quality has improved. Expert introduction, however, the incidence of cancer to return to normal, still need at least 10 years. In this decade, improved drinking water environment is the best way to install, water purifiers, ensure the safety of drinking water.
According to the world health organization survey in China's five points and three water polluted with waste according to my survey nine over ten of women in our country is suffering from pollution of the yuan. The water is warm, but washing clothes can be another kind of pollution, the three gorges pinghu water spa chongqing thousands of people to the river to wash clothes
The effects of Marine pollution, pictures is the photographer Chris and his friends went to the middle of the north Pacific island. When he saw the bodies of the albatross, their flesh gut has nearly finished weathering, only the skeleton and feathers. But "inside" the body is filled with lighter, bottle caps, all by ocean pollution plastic garbage! On November 11, 2013, chongqing, to 175 meters the highest water level, the impoundment of the three gorges reservoir, the three gorges pinghu more broad, holding water hot springs, attract the citizen in the early morning of the three gorges reservoir river swimming, swimming thousands of people washing clothes. Polluted reservoirs undrinkable, home keep rabbits died after drinking water, cooked rice darkened, and many villagers symptoms such as stomach pain, vomiting, mouth ulcers, went to the hospital to check was intestinal ulcers. These are due to the top of the mountain water built pickling smelter! Tam contaminated, no outside "fresh water lakes to re-emerge as soon as possible?
In the lake sediment soil, selecting seeds of rice, water spinach, such as land or water plants, in the water of oxygen through the plant roots to the water, microorganism and aquatic animals and plants that support the water. Pollutants after degradation, transformation, and through the plant root extract, so as to purify the water quality.

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