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Marine organisms killer - suspended in the water pollutants
Edited:HuanChuang technology   Date:2013-5-2 16:15:58
Water pollution is one of the most serious environmental problems, as a planet, in the face of today. It occurs when substances such as feces of humans and other animals, toxic chemicals, metals, and oil-contaminated water. This pollution will affect rain, rivers, lakes, ocean, water beneath the surface of the earth, groundwater affect the human disease. Water contaminated with human and animal waste spread typhoid, cholera, dysentery and other diseases. About 80 percent of U.S. community water chlorinated to kill pathogens. However, sterilization is not removing harmful chemical compounds, such as polychlorinated biphenyls (and chloroform, or harmful metals, such as arsenic, lead, mercury, etc. If not careful release of toxic waste, mainly into the landfill, threatening the ground water supply. PCBs, chloroform and pesticides have been found in a number of urban drinking water. scientists worry that, over the years even a small amount of consumption of these substances may produce harmful effects reduce the recreational use pollution prevention people to enjoy some of the recreational water For example, odor and floating debris make boating and swimming unpleasant, and the risk of the disease, so that contaminated water is unsafe and may drift to shore from a ship or an offshore oil rig oil spill which can kill waterfowl, shellfish and other wild animal water pollution also affects the commercial and sport fishing. fish can be killed oil or lack of oxygen in the water, or they may die, because the reduction of the quantity and quality of their food supply industrial waste, in particular is the PCB destruction of harm fish the natural process of a variety of naturally occurring process in the water turn into a waste of useful or harmless substances. these processes using the dissolved oxygen in the water pollution upsets these processes, mainly robbery oxygen mineralized water , is a natural process, aerobic (oxygen) bacteria break down organic waste into simpler substances Some of these substances, such as phosphates and nitrates, plant nutrients. normal amount of these nutrients help support normal number of domestic water, however when there are too many nutrients, water bodies may be subject to this process is known as eutrophication. added nutrients may fertilizers from farmland drainage or sewage, detergents and other substances. excess nutrients can cause higher than normal number of plants, such as duckweed algae, fish and other animal organisms, plants and bacteria growth as more and more growth, more death, decay because of the use of oxygen in the process of decay, rot more oxygen in water and therefore, less oxygen to become available to support the living things in the water of certain types of game fish, such as salmon, trout, whitefish - can not live in reducing the oxygen of the water requires less oxygen, such as carp and catfish, fish will replace them to be finished using all the oxygen in water bodies, most forms of life in the water will die thermal pollution can also reduce the amount of oxygen dissolved in the water than normal warm water can kill certain types of plants, and fish
Marine debris from many sources, the impact of different marine species. The waterborne waste wrapped around wildlife, disguised as a food source, choking Beach and benthic plants, biological invasion of non-native region provides a means to contribute to toxic water pollution. The interaction between the marine debris and wildlife can be traced back to the record in the first half of the twentieth century. Northern fur seals entangled debris was found as early as in the 1930s. In the 1960s, a variety of seabirds were found to have plastic in their stomachs. The early 21st century, a total of 255 kinds of records has become entangled in marine debris or ingested.
Some scientists used to think that it is safe to dump garbage into the ocean, I believe marine large enough to absorb the sludge has no harmful effect. Other scientists believe that dumping will eventually lead to marine pollution. Once the center of the metropolis, such as New York City sludge and debris loaded on a barge, boat trips, dumping, there is a known as ocean dumping. Ocean dumping and not fully aware of until the floating plastic particles were found throughout the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
Dangerous veritable ocean dumping and debris hit in the summer of 1988, when the debris from the ocean, including sewage, garbage, medical waste, biohazard, wash, on the Atlantic coast, forcing the beach unprecedented 803. In some cases, the authorities reminded, when the kids wash the needle in the sand beach. Aquatic organisms is also facing grave danger from these materials, including hazardous waste substances absorption or ingestion, intake of needles, tweezers, and other hazardous solid debris. In 1994, hundreds of dead dolphins washed in the Mediterranean beach, were killed by the virus and water pollution. The scientists pointed out that this incident may occur any other marine animals (humans), if the pollution continues as a reference.
Urged the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), potentially infectious medical waste dumped into the sea from the public boats was banned in 1988. In 1992, the federal government banned ocean dumping. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency in 1995 to intensify its efforts to educate people through the land, rivers and streams sewer overflow improper garbage disposal, dumping of vessels and other dangerous pollution of coastal waters. The EPA further warned that marine litter caused not only a serious threat to wildlife, but still in the years of the environment.
Oil spill on behalf of regular and devastating accident to aquatic organisms. The oil spilled into the ocean floating in the water, cut off the oxygen sea life and mammals, birds, fish and other animals were killed. The risk of oil spills has been getting worse over the years. Held in 1945, the largest tanker of 16,500 tons of oil. Now, the supertanker on a regular basis the length of several football fields more than 550,000 tons.
The 1989 Exxon Valdez oil tanker ran aground pristine Alaska coastline, 11 million gallons of oil spill into the Gulf and kill millions of animals. In 1994, a federal jury assessed $ 500 million in punitive damages and $ 350 million in criminal fines and clean-up costs, Exxon dollars. Valdez oil spill led to additional security requirements, including double hull oil tankers. Oil spill larger than Valdes before and after the occurrence of the incident alarmed a lot of people can do damage to marine habitats. Many species affected by the oil spill, especially seabirds, have not been recovered after more than a decade.
In January 2001, Jessica released tanker near the Galapagos Islands, biodiversity-rich areas harboring many unique species, including Darwin's famous finches, marine iguanas, tropical penguins population of 150,000 gallons of fuel . A wide range of relief, when the wind blows the oil slick to the sea, rather than on the island. Seabirds and sea lions dozens of deaths, it was considered a real catastrophe has been avoided. Unique marine iguanas in the Galapagos Islands, but ongoing research, discovered in June 2002, many iguanas may die due to work-related injuries after the oil spill. 60% of the Santa Fe Island, marine iguanas, despite the fact that died in 2001, oil pollution is relatively low, only about one quart per yard coastline oil. On another island, there is no pollution, did not find a similar death. Scientists believe that the death of oil pollution kill iguanas intestinal bacteria so that they can not digest seaweed, starve them. Marine iguanas no natural predators, the general died of starvation or old age.
The U.S. National Research Council warned that, even if there are no major catastrophic oil spill, many marine habitats are often in contact with oil. Port and aquatic habitat near developed areas is particularly dangerous. The National Research Council estimates that about 840 million gallons of oil into the ocean waters, the annual runoff from streets, industrial liquid waste, and deliberate discharge ship rinse tank. A small part of oil per million parts of water, fish, crustaceans and plankton reproduction and growth adversely.
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